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Wesnoth Units database

King of Wesnoth


Under the feudal system, all authority ultimately rested with the sovereign. His lords held their property only with his agreement, and had to pay him tribute. In return, the king would defend the realm against invaders, and redistribute wealth in times of need.

Notes especials: El lideratge d'aquesta unitat permet a les unitats amigues adjacents causar més dany en combat, encara que açò només s'aplica a unitats de nivell inferior.


Avança de:
Avança a:
Cost: 200
HP: 68
Moviment: 6
XP: 250
Level: 5
Alineació: legal
IDKing of Wesnoth
Habilitats: lideratge

Atacs (damage - count)

13 - 3


(icon) talla50% (icon) perfora40%
(icon) impacta10% (icon) foc-10%
(icon) fred-10% (icon) arcà20%


Cost del moviment
(icon) Aigua baixa410%
(icon) Bosc240%
(icon) Boscatge de bolets240%
(icon) Castell150%
(icon) Cova240%
(icon) Deep Water-0%
(icon) Escull costaner320%
(icon) Gelat420%
(icon) Impracticable-0%
(icon) Llogaret140%
(icon) Muntanyes-0%
(icon) Pantà410%
(icon) Plana130%
(icon) Sorra220%
(icon) Turons340%